• NOTE: Stalls will be tagged when you get to the show and no transfer or change of occupancy may be made without the approval of show management
• Once you leave the show grounds with your horse for the weekend, the possession of your rental stall reverts back to Area 1.
• Trailers are not to be plugged into the barn or hooked up to the water.
• Please be advised that all stalls that are booked and that are not cancelled 14 days in advance must be paid for.
• All horses staying over must have a stall for safety reasons.
• No Dogs roaming loose on the grounds. Dogs must be on a leash or tied up at all times.
• Under no circumstances are horses to be turned loose in any area either day or night.
• If you are plugged into another trailer, that is considered a hook-up and you will be charged full price.
• Please do not hook water directly to your trailer, as water is not included in your hook-up. You may fill your water tank as needed.
• Please be sure that all outstanding bills are paid before leaving the grounds.
OQHA would like to remind our exhibitors the importance of being a responsible dog owner; ensuring dogs are kept on a leash and under control at all times while at shows.
Our first show of 2014, we had an unfortunate circumstance where a loose dog spooked a horse which resulted in a exhibitor being thrown from her horse and injured.
OQHA will be enforcing a zero tolerance for dogs that are not on a leash at OQHA approved shows. If your dog is found off leash, the dog will be seized and you will be required to pay a “sponsorship/fine” in order to get them back.
Dogs are more than welcomed at our shows, but please be a responsible pet owner so that unnecessary injuries don’t happen.
Keep on leash or in tack stalls at all times
Please remember to scoop the poop
aggressive dogs should be kept in trailers or crates at all times